Thursday, December 31, 2009


So we got a sled and warm winter clothes for Christmas from Papa. And we tried them out the day after Christmas. We all had a great time. (I realize there a lot of videos, but they capture what our holiday was like, and it was hard to narrow it down, so there are like 7)


This one just makes me laugh.

Mr. Patience

I'm sure the packaging won't get any easier to open as he grows older, but he was very patient as he waited for his dad to untangle his shiny new firetruck.

Christmas Eve at Deb's house

Brennan didn't really 'get' Christmas like I was hoping he would this year. He knew there were gifts and a Santa, but he didn't stick around very long with the gifts to open them, etc. This video was probably the best gift opening of the holiday by him. We are at Deb's house, my dads fiance. We had a wonderful meal (shrimp and eggrolls), then opened some gifts and played on the Wii.

Christmas Eve Bowling

Bowling in the afternoon on Christmas Eve has been a tradition in my family for as long as I can remember. Brennan enjoyed himself, and liked cheering for everyone- strike or gutter ball!

Christmas Cookies

As many folks, I enjoy making Christmas cookies. The weekend before xmas, Friday was the dough making, Saturday was the baking and Sunday was the frosting. We hoped to get all the cookies put away and kitchen cleaned up before he woke up from his nap, but no luck. We were trying to get it on video, him saying 'gingermanman' but no luck there either. So he's here just being cute.

3 minutes after a Christmas cookie

He doesn't eat many sweets. But here is what happened shortly after the one cookie. (sorry for the noise, but the circles were funny)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


So we had the 6th largest storm in Green Bay history come through town on Tuesday and all of Wednesday, we got like 16". I like to thinken my YMCA as very similar to the postal service, we get through and our doors are always open. I can't say that I agree with the policy, but if they tell me I have to be there, I am. But.....I got a snow day yesterday! So Brennan and I played around the house for the day. We played in the basement, and made cookies and then he took a nice nap and I took care of presents and cards. We didn't play outside though, the snowpants and boots are xmas presents and they happen to be in Sheboygan. We'll get outside for the next blizzard.

I must say, it was a long day, I don't know if I was more exausted from him or the fact that I was on my feet all day. But I'm sure the snowdays will get better.


It's fun the give the little guy raspberries, and to hear him giggle. And one day, out of the blue he gave me one. Quick grab the camera....

Merry Christmas


He has got some fancy footwork. He likes to dance at the Kids Korner. They do some fun interactive songs, two of his favorites are Bear Hunt and Body Rock. I'm not real sure what they look like. I bring my camera with me each day, incase they flag in to watch one of them. But when you ask him what he did in Kids Korner, 'Bear Hunt' is the first thing he says, each day.

playing with the tree

Here are a few videos to catch you up on us. I probably should not have shown him how these ornaments work, because now the tree is a very hands on tree. (I think he would have been in the tree anyways....but they were my favorite ornaments growing up, so why not play with them).

Monday, November 2, 2009


For Halloween, he was a dragon. A costume that my mom made for me and my brother when we were kids (he was also using a 30 year old pumpkin bucket that finally needs to be fixed).

It was a typical Wisconsin Halloween- COLD. So we were not planning to go out for two reasons, #1 it was COLD, and #2 he stills gets shy around strangers, so it would"ve been me at the door reminding him...ok now say trick or treat etc.... but some kids came to our door and said there was a firetruck in our neighborhood handing out candy. He loves trucks. So we bundled up, with the costume over the top of the jacket and hat, and headed out. We visited the truck and stopped at a five houses on the way home, one being his babysitters house, Lily, and her mom Jenny, who is with him each day at the day care at the Y.

He was enjoying himself, and by the last 3 houses that we stopped at, when I asked him at the door before it was opened, 'Ok, now what do we say? He had given up the 'trick or treat' and went straight for the 'please.' Manners count....right?

Games with Dad

Here's a fun game that Adam and Brennan were playing. By the end, he was enjoying making dad do all the work.

Marching Band

He hasn't become too fond of this trick, yet. We can only hope it stays that way :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

One Bear

At the moment, this is his favorite book. (it's a long video, almost 2 mins, and he wouldn't be without the bink- so hopefully you can understand him).

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


We visited a pumpkin patch over the weekend. It was a little chilly, but we still had fun.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

No more monkeys on the bed

The other afternoon, there was lots of giggling coming from his room. When I opened the door, this is what I found. He was so excited, and the giggles and snorting were great.


Brennan is a walking, talking machine (or monster, depends on the day, and my mood I guess) but he is copying everything you say. One day he was saying something that sounded like 'now I know.' We didn't know what he was talking about, he just kept repeating that phrase, so Adam was adding all kinds of randoms to the I know how to throw the ball, now I know to pet the puppy gentle, blah blah. Well come to figure it out, he is saying part of the ABCs. So when we sing to him, he'll throw in a few letters and then parts of the end verse. When the camera comes out, he's never as good, but you get the idea, and it's still cute anyways.

Choo Choo

This past week we took a family vacation. We didn't go very far, but just took some time off work and made some day trips etc. We went down to the Milwaukee Zoo. Brennan's favorite part was the trip. And other cute thing he does, when he tells you what a train says.


He says 'Hello' pretty cute.

Friday, August 28, 2009

A few more of Uni

Here are a few more good photos of camp.

Lately he's been cooperating with the camera. He gives me these 'cheesie' grins while saying CHEESE!

Camp Uni

This past weekend we went camping at Camp U-Nah-Li-Ya, the Green Bay YMCA resident camp in Suring, WI, about an hour northwest from home. The weather was chilly in the mornings, but the sun came out in the afternoons. We stayed in a 20 person cabin, just the 3 of us. We were ready to cook our meals over the fire, but no need, we were invited to join the St Norbert College RA's that were also at camp for a retreat for the meals in the mess hall. Gotta love that camp food, and Brennan and Murphy enjoyed all the attention they each got from the students.

One of the many hikes we went on. Camp is located in the Nicolet Forest. On one of the hikes I was noticing tracks. 'Oh look at the deer tracks....and then a few steps away- do you think those are dog tracks?......' Adam responded with, 'where are the people tracks then?.....' so we took a few more steps and then I said let turn around and do our hiking on the camp property.' Not like there couldn't be large wild animals on camp property, but then the staff might have a better chance of finding us if we had not returned.

We went on a paddle boat and canoe ride. I wish we could have gone swimming and played in the sand though.

At least I got to go swimming! I am offically part of the Polar Bear Club, I even have a patch. The water was nice, the air was the killer.

He likes his slides. He's getting more comfortable with going down on his butt and back, but he sits down about a foot from the top of the slide and shimmies over or we give him a little tug. It was pretty chilly this morning- if you hadn't noticed the color of his hands.

This is what one looks like after a long weekend at camp. He'll have a blast when he's here on his own.


Thursday, August 13, 2009


The downhill of the driveway was helping him out.


I'm still working on letting go. Tonight we'll try Mac and Cheese.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bay Beach

The city of Green Bay has a nice city park with amusement rides etc. This park as been around for a long time, the last time I was here, but probably 18 years ago. But I have fond memories of the place, so we thought it would be fun to go there while Joe was visiting. I convinced Dad and Deb to come up for the day (they thought they would be hanging out with just us). We had fun on the rides and then had a nice picnic lunch. Brennans favorite was the Giant Slide, there was almost tears when we had to walk away after multiple trips down.

The city of Green Bay has a nice city park with amusement rides etc. This park as been around for a long time, the last time I was here, but probably 18 years ago. But I have fond memories of the place, so we thought it would be fun to go there while Joe was visiting. I convinced Dad and Deb to come up for the day (they thought they would be hanging out with just us). We had fun on the rides and then had a nice picnic lunch. Brennans favorite was the Giant Slide, there was almost tears when we had to walk away after multiple trips down.

Happy Birthday Dad

My dad turned 60 last week. He decided the have dinner at Curly's Pub at Lambeau Field. So we had some of the family come up and we spent a little time at the house and then headed over to Lambeau. What's a milestone birthday without both your kids there to help you celebrate. My brother Joe and his girlfriend Suz made the trip and we surprised dad. It was great. We actually brought tears to his eyes he was so happy/excited/suprised/shocked that Joe was there. We see them about twice a year, the time together is always great, but goes too fast.


Adam had the week off, and I worked half days (when working a half days means you are done by 8am, why not work...). We had a great time hanging out in Green Bay having some quality family time. We did lots of stuff; household things that needed to be done- shampooing the carpets, cleaning the cars and then fun stuff like swimming a handful of times, dinner and a movie, golf and ice cream, the zoo, bike rides, and playing around the house.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's going to be messy

I struggle with my issues of things needing to be clean etc. So due to that fact, Brennan doesn't do much self feeding. But he's been putting up a fight when it comes to meal time, so I guess I am giving in. And as my husband has helped to remind me....'it's going to be messy.'

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Fun

We've been busy the last few weeks. Here's some photos.

Playing at Ashwaumbay Park in Green Bay
4-wheeling with Papa

4th of July fun

The Cardboard boat Regata after the parade on the 4th

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Breakfast on the Farm

June is Dairy month in Wisconsin. We spent part of Sunday messing around on the farm.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

We did it!

We had a great time at the Bellin Run today (10K, 6.2 miles), the weather was great, and the crowd was huge, 16,746 participants. We were both happy with our finishes, I finished in 57:32 and Adam and Brennan in 1:11:36. Here are a few photos.

Adam and Brennan pre race

Me and Adam post race

At home with our Bellin t-shirts, Brennan got one for being a Stroller division rider.

Crossing the finish line, I wasn't spent.... so who knows, a half marathon or triathlon next....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bellin Run

I'm participating in my first 10K this Saturday. (notice how I said participating and not competing....)

I'm looking forward to it.

Adam and Brennan are participating too. There is a stroller division.


At our recent 15 month dr apt, they asked if Brennan was feeding himself.....sure anything that he can pick up off the plate...finger type food. She asked what about with a spoon? Nope. And that is due to the fact that I do not want to deal with the mess that comes with. So this was our first try. He did very well. But once he felt the need to touch the food, well that was the end of him feeding himself.
I'll keep working on letting go.....

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


He loves the vacuum. He calls it the bakum. We were at the store, and I took him past the vacuum display...all smiles.

He has started to use different things as the vacuum.

Where he got this interest in the vacuum, I'm not sure. It could be my OCD of vacuuming. Or in Kids Korner, they vacuum daily and they also have a little kids plastic vacuum that he plays with.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


His new thing is dancing. He doesn't even need music. But he stomps his feet, wiggles his arms and twists.

Healthy Kids Day

Saturday was Healthy Kids Day in Green Bay. A fun event put on by the YMCA for the community. There were games and other activities for kids of all ages. I picked up some bug feelers, and here he is playing with them at home.

Here is a video of Brennan shooting hoops with the UWGB Lady Phoenix. Future NBAer, he already likes to hang on the rim. (Brennan and I play b-ball at the YMCA, so we were just showing off for dad and all these other people happened to be there too.)

Monday, April 20, 2009


I look at the clock, usually around 6:30am and think- only one more hour. I open the building up for the all faithful 5am exercisers at my YMCA. So Monday-Friday, this is what I get at 7:30 when Adam drops off Brennan. The lobby was a little busier with people and phones this morning, but the just is that Brennan is pure excitment and full of smiles. He heads right for the basketballs, and can push right past the gate (today he had a helper). I think the morning crowd enjoys seeing Brennan as much as I do.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

New trick

Here is the trick he figured out this weekend.

Friday, April 17, 2009


We spent Easter Sunday in Sheboygan with family. Since college, my dad has been very involved in the Easter Egg hunts. I think he found it amusing to make my brother and I run around the back yard to find the $50 he was going to give us for gas and groceries. More times than none, we had stayed out the night before with our friends too late, and it was early before church, and there was probably snow on the ground. So we would be cold, tired and fighting for the eggs. But that was the 'Money Bunny' as it soon became called. And the Money Bunny has been visiting for sometime, and he even makes trips across the country. When we lived in Maine, and Virginia he found us, and out to CA to visit with Joe and Suz. And this year little Brennan got to be a part of it.

Thanks Money Bunny!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

more walking

It's fun to watch his progress. It was about a month ago that he took his first steps unassisted. And now he fusses when you try to hold his hand and guide him down the hallway or something. He still does some crawling, if he falls down and wants to get somewhere, he'll finish by crawling. But for the most part he is walking, and soon to be running.

(He also got another haircut recently)


(since taking this video last week, the chairs have been moved out of the living room)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Here is some good video of him walking. He's still a little unstable, hence the 'frankenstein' walk. And currently, this is his 'noise.' He makes it all the time.

Can you give him a kissie?

If you ask him to give, whichever of his animals he has in his hands, a kissie, he will. It is very cute. He brings them up his face and then hugs them. But if you ask him to give his mom or dad a kissie....we get his hand in our face and he pushes us away. oh well.


This past weekend we spent some time with our friends the Dunns. Here Brennan is playing on the stairs. We did work on going down the 'safe way' but that still needs some practice.

Friday, March 6, 2009

We had a birthday!

Brennan turned on on February 29. But there wasn't a 29th in the month this year, so we celebrated on March 1. (when the time comes, I'll let Adam deal with explaining why you only get an actual 'birthday' once every 4 years...)

We had a nice party at Grandpa Mike's house in Sheboygan. There was good company, good food, and good times.

Here are a few photos.

Monday, February 23, 2009

a few more steps

he's taking a few steps on his own.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Movin' and Talkin'

Here's his new favorite game.

He says Da Da really well.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dad and Brennan

I don't think this needs much explanation. It's a nice photo of the two of them.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

What have we been up to?

Sometimes we just fall into the groove of life, and it takes over. Life is going fine. Brennan is walking with his green toy good. Today he managed to make some turns. In the past he has only been able to walk a straight line and we'd have to help him maneuver a corner. I guess that means he's getting stronger and more confident in his time on his feet. He can walk and push the chairs around the kitchen too.
He also has been giving us his toys and other objects. We say thank you, and then he puts his hand out and wants them back. He also can say Da Da. (He can say ma ma too, but has been saying Da Da a lot more often because Adam sort of brain washed him into saying Da Da. That is all they have been working on the last few days while I'm not around is saying Da Da.) But here are some videos of fun things from Brennan.

Here we are at the YMCA during an Open Preschool Gym time. We played on the the equipment and did some walking.

A few weeks ago he figured out how to open and close the kitchen cupboards. As you can see the cupboards close pretty hard. And needless to say, this cupboard is now locked up just as the one under the sink- due to an accident involving ones finger.....

Here Adam is trying hard to get him to say Da Da. He doesn't say it, but you'll notice the 'NO' head nod. This is also something that he has been doing a lot lately. You ask him if he wants something, or wants more and he'll nod 'no.'

I don't have video of it, but he also has a mean bye bye wave down. It's pretty funny to see his little hand flopping around waving.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Here is another Christmas present.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

When he's eating his finger cereal, he likes to raise his hand up the ceiling(and there usually is a piece of cereal in his hand). Why? We're not sure why, but we all get a kick out of it.

Here's another funny one. Lately he has been making this face at me. He scrunched his eyebrows and eyes and pushes out his lips, like he's scowling at me. Then I do it back and then we both laugh.

I turned 30 earlier this month. Here was my gift from Adam, (an MP3 player). He thought it would make a nice gesture to wrap the gift, since he couldn't recall a time when he had wrapped a gift for me, so he thought turning 30 was a big enough deal for a wrapped gift. But he was at work, so I got newspaper and sharpies, and notice the rubber band bow.

Here's the video

So here is some video footage of the walking. My video work will not will me an Oscar, but I'm trying to not let him fall on his face.....

Friday, January 9, 2009


Today he took his first steps! He wasn't walking by any means, but he walked behind one of those toys that you can walk behind. He did it at the daycare at the YMCA, I was there checking in on him and he was playing with the toy. I asked if anyone had seem him walk with it? They said no, so one of the girls picked him up and helped him stand and get the hang of it and next thing you know, he's across the room.

Another proud parent moment....