Thursday, September 2, 2010

getting big

the kids are getting big!
Growning up my brother was big into model rockets, he felt like reliving the glory days, and we shot a few off. The first one scared Brennan, so he's preparing for the second one. He has been picking me flowers lately, here is one of them.
Quinn is getting so big- 11wks tomorrow, and that means only one more week of my maternity leave and then back to the work world....
She likes to smile and coo. She's getting better with her nook, and sleeps well at night, I'm OK with her not sleeping through the night, she goes down at 7ish and wakes at 3ish. So depending on your perspective, that is a good portion of the night, but I'll need to feed her before I go to work, so waking at 3 will be a good time.
Wow, she looks so LONG here. She's relaxing with Suzie- my brothers girlfriend, this was her first time meeting Quinn.

goofing around at Grandma Pat's house.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Good luck back at work--this week, I suppose?! Hope the new family routine goes smoothly!