Adam wanted me to post one more swim video. The back floats are awesome (quoted from Adam)
Monday, August 23, 2010
He loves the abcs. He enjoys playing in the tub with the letters, and wants to show me his masterpiece each time if I'm not in the bathroom with him. He'll tell me to go get the camera. And lately he likes looking at the back of the camera, at the video or photo, and calls that 'looking at the front side.'
more swimming
The last post was about swimming, and here is another one. I needed to post this though, because his swimming has taken off. He was jumping alone, and very horizontal in the water, using his arms and legs at the same time. Great job!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Swim clips
Today was the last day of Tues swim lessons for the summer. We are also taking lessons on Thurs. The first clip is of a blast off. You push off on your front or back and (try to) continue floating. With the intro of the blast off, he is way more comfortable on his back. The next clip is of jumping. I was trying to get him to do more tricks, but he just wanted to spin.